Invest in Art, Invest in Community

Support Us

RASOHAM welcomes support from Individuals, Foundations, and Corporate Houses to strengthen our mission of “Empowering Artists & Enriching Communities”.

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Donations through the payment portal are accepted only in INR.

All donations to Rasoham Public Charitable Trust qualify for tax deduction under 12-Clause (iv) of first proviso to sub-section (5) of section 80G of the Income Tax Act of India, vide Unique Registration Number AAETR7824BF20231 dated 08/03/2023.

If you are located outside of India and would like to make an international currency contribution, please contact +91 76394 76396.

Our Sponsors

Art Patron

Support RASOHAM’s mission for a more inclusive art world. Your contributions create safe spaces for artists and empower young learners, impacting the conservation and preservation of creative works for future generations.

Event Patron

Your donation/sponsorship will help us curate unique artistic experiences for diverse audiences, and promote and preserve creative excellence across various fields of art. Associate your brand with exclusive Art Room Events or Unity Concert Series. Support collaborative Art & Cultural Experiences. Choose to be a Diamond, Gold, Silver, Bronze, or Special Category patron.

Art Ambassadors

Support community outreach programs and make art accessible to under-resourced communities. Break cultural and economic barriers. Enrich humanity through the healing power of art.

Art Mentor

Support scholarships and training for upcoming learners. Fund their training or provide training yourself. Commission new works from emerging and established artists. Contribute to the world of artistry.

Friends of RASOHAM

Join as a friend, well-wisher, or supporter of RASOHAM. Make a contribution of any amount and be part of our shared dream. Every donation counts.

Art Volunteers

Volunteer with RASOHAM. Help run events, workshops, and learning sessions. Seek opportunities to work on our projects.